Study of Hybrid “Photovoltaic and Wind Turbine” System Using Homer Program for Regional Cidahu Central – District Kuningan


  • Agus Adi Nursalim Graduate Student of Mechanical Engineering, Itenas, Bandung – INDONESIA
  • Dani Rusirawan Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Itenas Bandung – INDONESIA


renewable energy, hybrid, photovoltaic, wind turbin, homer


Electricity supply for East Kuningan Regency especially for Cidahu sub-district is experiencing constraints due to frequent power outages caused by natural and other factors. The area is very potential to be a small and mediumsized industrial area that is environmentally friendly due to a lot of unproductive land, sand excavation. The potential of renewable energy in the form of solar energy and wind energy can be built into a hybrid photovoltaic and wind turbine power plant technology so that it does not rely on electricity supply from the Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Weather conditions in the region produce an average of year is 25.57°C of Temperature Air, 3.44 m/s Wind Speed , 81% Humidity and 5,08 kWh/m²/day of Sun Radiation. The load requirement for the area is 80 kWh/d 8.22 kW peak using renewable energy is Photovoltaics, Wind Turbine, Converter and Battery. This Hybrid Technology study using the Homer program, obtained the highest COE value 1.75 $/kWh, the lowest 1.73 $/kWh and the highest NPC value of 659,703 $ and the lowest 654,139 $.


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FoITIC 2017