Realization and Key Analysis on Blockchain Bitcoin


  • Muhammad Lazuardi Wirananda Department of Computer System, Telkom University, Bandung - INDONESIA
  • Surya Michrandi Nasution Department of Computer System, Telkom University, Bandung - INDONESIA
  • Marisa W. Paryasto Department of Computer System, Telkom University, Bandung - INDONESIA


Private Key, Public Key, Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, Secp256K1


Bitcoin is the digital currency which implements the Blockchain system an open financial accounting, The security bitcoin used key, where this key is a security and identity of Bitcoin owner. The key is use implements asymmetric cryptography digital signature scheme ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) with elliptic curve point multiplication, where for the curve uses Secp256K1. Asymetric cryptogrphy generate two key ie private key and public key. Private key is a point in the curve and the public key is a coordinate (x, y) that represents the private key within the curve. This research implements key on Bitcoin system where by going through all step, it will generate private key and public key corresponding to key in Bitcoin system.


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FoITIC 2017