Aero-hidroponic products for rural forest farming


  • Edi Setiadi Putra Department of Product Design, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung - INDONESIA
  • Jamaludin Departement of Interior Design, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung - INDONESIA


ergocultural, aerohidroponic, Environment, Product Design


Today's rural farmers depend on private land, chemical fertilizers and high-cost irrigation. Farmers are less productive, because the land is getting narrower and prohibited to exploit the village forest that has become the source of village life. To improve farm productivity, agricultural systems are needed in accordance with the village environment. Through ethnographic and ergocultural studies of village farmers' behavior and rural farming patterns, as well as phenomenological studies of lifestyle changes, and the effects of modern agriculture within the village, the actual and factual description of the village situation and condition requires relevant agricultural work needs. Research on the revitalization of Tatanen Huma Sunda through aero-hydroponic science, has demonstrated the ability of aeroponic-hydroponic-aquaponic farming systems to meet the expectations of village farmers. The product design of aeroponic products for productive vegetable farming systems in forested areas (agribusiness in agroforestry) and hydro-aquaponic products for productive vegetable farming over fish ponds and home yards, is expected to be developed for village agricultural areas in Indonesia.


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