
  • Dedy Ismail Departement of Product Design, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung, INDONESIA
  • Harry Indrayana Departement of Product Design, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung, INDONESIA


Exploration, Plastic PVC, Creativity, Accessories


PVC plastic material has the potential to be used as raw material for functional products, especially jewelry accessories products. The material has a characteristics, then the processing of raw materials should take into account the characteristics of its peculiarities. Through the material exploration approach, the potential can be extracted so as to produce non-conventional raw material products that have equivalence value compared to existing conventional raw materials. The exploratory approach to pvc plastic material is very appropriate for generating alternative modules in material experiments so that it can be varied in determining the potential modules in its application in jewelry accessories products. The experiments were carried out with recognition stages by giving physical treatment to bring up the initial characteristics in stages until the determination of the character of the structure on the material. The resulting products such as accessories are clear evidence that through the material exploration approach can be obtained creative opportunities for the development of products that have commercial potential, so it is expected to be utilized as an alternative in the appearance dominated by conventional materials. Through this research, the characteristic of pvc plastic material can be utilized into various jewelry products because of its uniqueness, so it can be an alternative raw material to enrich the potential of nonconventional materials of plastic materials optimally.


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FoITIC 2017