Invention of Glass Bottle Waste Musical Instrument


  • Agung Pramudya Wijaya Department of Product Design, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung - INDONESIA


invention, innovation, musical instruments, waste, bottle


The performing of music arts of waste bottle sound is a contemporary music performances where all of the instruments is used where a musical alternative is the work cultivators made from waste bottle, especially glass bottles waste. This musical instruments of bottle waste that created by the tiller is a new innovation for yet never been there before. Musical instruments of bottle waste by the tiller is the findings of new research results tenants through the long process. Initially, bottle waste is a thing that is not worth, but with a touch of creativity so it have new functions and turned into works of musical instruments of high value. Process is very important from birth discovery tools music bottle waste is up to the musical performances are not separated from the application of the theory of creativity. The concept of musical performances bottle Sounds This waste is non-thematic, meaning not describe the a particular story. In general, the concept of this musical performances is exploration, the exploration of the waste bottles are made into musical instruments, exploration of musical instruments waste bottle after so, and the exploration potential of the sound of musical instruments waste bottles are then composed into a piece of music are packed in a show.


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FoITIC 2017