Perancangan Aplikasi Monitoring Pasien Isolasi Mandiri Covid-19 Dengan Memanfaatkan Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)


  • QYAI NANDHA PUTRA Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • WINARNO SUGENG Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Kata Kunci:

Trilateration, Bluetooth, Isolation, Android


Angka pasien positif Covid-19 di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Upaya isolasi mandiri dilakukan untuk membatasi orang-orang dalam suatu wilayah yang terinfeksi penyakit. IPS dapat dijadikan teknik untuk memantau pergerakan objek dengan memanfaatkan sinyal bluetooth. Sinyal bluetooth dapat diolah menggunakan metode Trilateration.Trilateration menghitung nilai estimasi jarak 3 perangkat BLE Beacon berdasarkan nilai RSSI yang diterima oleh Smartphone. Data yang diterima kemudian diolah dan disimpan di penyimpanan firebase realtime database. Aplikasi yang terhubung dengan firebase akan memperbaharui data secara otomatis melalui website dan mobile. Pengujian dilakukan di ruangan dengan menempatkan 3 beacon di 3 sudut. Aplikasi pemindai Bluetooth berfungsi dengan baik saat menangkap sinyal dengan akurasi sebesar 81.11%. Nilai RSSI yang diperoleh rata-rata error 1.19016374 sehingga memiliki nilai parameter yang cukup baik.

The number of positive COVID-19 patients in Indonesia is increasing. Self-isolation efforts are carried out to limit people in an area infected with the disease. IPS can be used as a technique to monitor the movement of objects by utilizing bluetooth signals. The bluetooth signal can be processed using the Trilateration method. Trilateration calculates the estimated distance value of 3 BLE Beacon devices based on the RSSI value received by the Smartphone. The data received is then processed and stored in the firebase realtime database storage. Applications that are connected to firebase will update the data automatically through the website and mobile. The test is carried out in a room by placing 3 beacons in 3 corners. The Bluetooth scanner app works well when capturing signals with an accuracy of 81.11%. The RSSI value obtained has an average error of 1.19016374 so that it has a fairly good parameter value.

