Evaluasi Kebutuhan Udara Pengering pada Rotary Dryer di Pabrik Pembenah Tanah
Kata Kunci:
Soil improver, drying, rotary dryer, mass balance, evaluationAbstrak
Pembenah tanah digunakan untuk tanaman hortikultura dan tanaman dengan umur panen panjang. Proses utama di PT.X yaitu pengeringan menggunakan alat rotary dryer. Sebelum dilakukan proses produksi perlu dipastikan apakah alat tersebut bermasalah atau tidak. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengecekan, pengawasan dan evaluasi setiap alat agar pada saat pengoperasian dapat dilakukan dengan aman dan produk yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan yang telah ditentukan. Laporan ini memiliki tujuan mengevaluasi alat rotary dryer. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa neraca massa yang didapatkan komponen masuk yaitu 1.245,95; 1.119,11; 1.111,44; 1.119,11 kg/jam dan komponen keluar yaitu 1.011,76; 1.011,76; 1.011,76; 1.011,76 kg/jam. Untuk hasil trial didapat % kadar air hasil uji yaitu 47%, 36%, 53%, 38%. Sedangkan untuk hasil perhitungan %kadar air masuk yaitu 31%; 23,15%; 22,62%; 23,15%.
Soil improvers are used for horticultural crops and crops with a long harvest life. The main process at PT.X is drying using a rotary dryer. Before the production process is carried out, it needs to be ascertained whether the tool is problematic or not. Therefore, it is necessary to check, supervise and evaluate each tool so that during operation it can be done safely and the products produced are in accordance with what has been determined. This report aims to evaluate the rotary dryer. Based on the results of the evaluation carried out, it is known that the mass balance obtained by the incoming components is 1,245.95; 1,119.11; 1,111.44; 1,119.11 kg / hour and the outgoing components are 1,011.76; 1,011.76; 1,011.76; 1,011.76 kg / hour. For the trial results, the % water content of the test results is 47%, 36%, 53%, 38%. As for the calculation results, the % moisture content is 31%; 23.15%; 22.62%; 23.15%.