Evaluasi Efisiensi Panas Unit Raw Mill dan Coal Mill di Industri Semen X


  • Ronny Kurniawan Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • D. S. R. Putri Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • A. T. REDJEKI Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • D. S. PERTIWI Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • Yan Verdi Tarigan Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Kata Kunci:

raw mill, coal mill, heat efficiency, performance, coal


Telah dilakukan studi untuk mengevaluasi efisiensi panas unit raw mill dan coal mill dengan membandingkan nilai efisiensi panas berdasarkan perhitungan dengan nilai teoritisnya. Pada studi ini, evaluasi dilakukan terhadap satu unit raw mill dan dua unit coal mill. Nilai efisiensi panas dihitung melalui perhitungan neraca massa dan energi pada unit raw mill dan coal mill. Untuk analisis tersebut diperlukan data- data lapangan, dan digunakan berbagai asumsi, pendekatan, dan data literatur.
%Efisiensi panas secara teoritis pada unit raw mill sebesar 78%-88% dan %efisiensi panas secara teoritis pada unit coal mill sebesar 96,2%. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi panas pada raw mill sebesar 84,81%, efisiensi panas pada coal mill 1 sebesar 58,37%, efisiensi panas pada coal mill 2 sebesar 70,45%. dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja raw mill masih baik, tetapi untuk kinerja coal mill 1 dan coal mill 2 sudah menurun.

A study has been conducted to evaluate the heat efficiency of raw mill and coal mill units by comparing the heat efficiency values based on calculations with their theoretical values. In this study, evaluation was carried out on one raw mill unit and two coal mill units. The value of heat efficiency is calculated by calculating the mass and energy balance in the raw mill and coal mill units. For this analysis, field data is needed, and various assumptions, approaches, and literature data are used. The theoretical %heat efficiency at the raw mill unit is 78%-88% and the theoretical %heat efficiency at the coal mill unit is 96.2%. The calculation results show that the heat efficiency of the raw mill is 84.81%, the heat efficiency of the coal mill 1 is 58.37%, the heat efficiency of the coal mill 2 is 70.45%. It can be concluded that the performance of the raw mill is still good, but the performance of coal mill 1 and coal mill 2 has decreased.

