Ground Based Air Quality Measurements During Forest Fires In Jambi and Correlation with Satellite Observed Data


  • Gita Putri Ramadhanti Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • Didin Agustian Permadi Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • Mila Dirgawati Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • Soni Darmawan Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung


Aerosol Optical Depth, Forest Fire, Jambi, Particulatte Matter


Abstract. Forest and land fires are natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia. According to the Ministry of Health (2015) forest and land fires that occurred in 2015, one of which was in Jambi province, caused quite severe air pollution in several Southeast Asian countries [1]. One of the main pollutants as an indicator of air quality is particulate matter (Particulate Matter). These particulates will float up to the atmosphere which is called an aerosol. Solid aerosols with a radius smaller than 10 µm are called PM10 aerosols. One of the most important aerosol optical properties used for radiation transfer calculations is AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) [2]. As a result of the forest fire incident in Jambi, the research could be carried out regarding the relationship between particulate concentration and satellite data during forest fires to determine the concentration of particulate (aerosol) loads. Relationship between PM2,5 and PM10 concentrations. Fires in Jambi City occurred almost throughout 2018-2019 which were caused by several factors, both natural factors and human actions. Most of the soil types in Jambi are peat soil types so during the dry season the peat soil surface is very dry and easily flammable, fire on the surface can spread to the relatively moist inner layer. This causes the flames to mix with water vapor and produce a lot of smoke [5]. Therefore, the PM2.5 and PM10 concentration values ​​tend to be high during forest fires, especially during the dry season.

Author Biographies

Didin Agustian Permadi, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Enviromental Engineering Departement

Mila Dirgawati, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Enviromental Engineering Departement

Soni Darmawan, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Geodesy Engineering Departement


