Analysis Of Electric Car Front Chassis In Crash Test Using Fea Software


  • Tarsisius Kristyadi Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • Calvin Calvin Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • Muhammad Alexin Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • Liman Hartawan Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung


Electric Car, Simulation Chassis, Full frontal fixed barrier, Stress, Strain, Displacement, Factor of safety


One of the important components of electric cars is the chassis which is a component of the vehicle whose main function is to frame to withstand the burden of vehicles and impact loads during a collision so that it can protect passengers. The properties of the electric car chassis and body is simulated using software based on full-frontal fixed barrier method where collision or collision with wall rigid barrier or rigid wall is applied. In this model, the car is crashed to rigid wall with various speed namely 30 km/h, 45km/h, 60 km/h and 100 km/h.  From model analysis and result it can be concluded that the model with the initial design in this study is still in poor condition in modeling, because it is not safe which still has a value of SF < 1 causing damage to the chassis. The resulting stress is greater because the speed given is also getting bigger. The result of deflection is greater when the load or force that occurs is also getting bigger. The FOS in the drop test is not safe to operate because it has an SF value <1, while in the static test it has an SF value> 1


