Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Temperatur Belitan Terhadap Persentase Rugi Tembaga Generator Unit 2 PLTP Kamojang POMU


  • Idan Mubarok Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • Nasrun Hariyanto Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung


Variasi perubahan beban menimbulkan kenaikan temperatur belitan stator dan rotor, serta dapat menyebabkan kegagalan isolasi dan menurunkan keandalan generator. Berdasarkan pengolahan data kuantitatif dan perhitungan persentase rugi tembaga dari hubungan perubahan beban terhadap temperatur belitan. Didapatkan hasil penelitian pengoperasian berada pada batas aman parameter kurva kapabilitas generator, kenaikan temperatur belitan generator tidak melebihi batas maksimum kelas isolasi tipe B sebesar 130 ºC menurut IEEE Std 1-1969. Pada hari libur untuk kondisi daya aktif keseluruhan kenaikan temperatur stator (ΔT) maksimum 4,16ºC diperoleh rugi tembaga 1,38 %, pada hari kerja dengan kenaikan temperatur stator 19,67ºC  diperoleh rugi tembaga 7,76%. Dan untuk kondisi daya reaktif keseluruhan pada hari libur dengan kenaikan temperatur belitan rotor (ΔT) maksimum 4ºC diperoleh persentase rugi tembaga belitan rotor sebesar  1%, pada hari kerja didapat kenaikan temperatur rotor sebesar 11ºC menimbulkan persentase rugi tembaga pada belitan rotor sebesar 4,306%.

Kata kunci: Belitan Rotor, Belitan Stator, Daya aktif ,Daya reaktif,  Rugi Tembaga, Temperatur belitan


Variations in load changes cause an increase in stator and rotor winding temperatures, and can cause insulation failure and reduce generator reliability. Based on quantitative data processing and calculation of the percentage of copper loss from the relationship of load changes to winding temperature. The results of the operation research are within the safe limits of the generator capability curve parameters, the increase in generator winding temperature does not exceed the maximum limit of type B insulation class of 130 ºC according to IEEE Std 1-1969. On holidays for overall active power conditions, the maximum stator temperature rise (ΔT) of 4.16ºC obtained a copper loss of 1.38%, on weekdays with a stator temperature rise of 19.67ºC obtained a copper loss of 7.76%. And for overall reactive power conditions on holidays with a maximum rotor winding temperature increase (ΔT) of 4ºC obtained a percentage of rotor winding copper loss of 1%, on weekdays obtained a rotor temperature increase of 11ºC raises the percentage of copper loss in the rotor winding by 4.306%.

Keywords: Rotor Winding, Stator Winding, Active power, Reactive power, Copper Loss, Winding Temperature


