Sistem Tracking Bus Kota Dengan Integrasi Pembayaran E-Money


  • FIKHI AKMA Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • MUHAMMAD RAWDOH Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • NAFISAH MARDHIYYAH Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • RINA HIKMAWATI Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • ADNAN RAFI AL TAHTAWI Politeknik Negeri Bandung



Kemacetan menjadi masalah di kota-kota besar. Kebanyakan masyarakat lebih memilih kendaraan peribadi dengan harapan dapat mendapatkan kenyamanan dan bisa cepat sampai ke tempat tujuan. Namun, kebanyakan terjebak dalam lalu lintas. Ketidakpuasan terhadap pengguna jasa transportasi umum menyebabkan antrean di stasiun bus harus segera diatasi agar tidak menimbulkan kerumunan hingga berdesak-desakan dan menghabiskan waktu. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya peningkatan fasilitas di transportasi umum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem terpadu yang dapat memantau bus kota sehingga dapat mempermudah layanan. Dengan sistem ini masyarakat dapat mengetahui keberadaan bus kota, sehingga memudahkan pengguna untuk memperkirakan kedatangan waktu bus dan memangkas waktu tunggu di stasiun. Sistem ini juga mengusung pembayaran digital berdasarkan pada jarak tempuh sehingga dapat terjadi transparansi tarif harga yang harus dibayar baik untuk penumpang maupun pengemudi.

Kata kunci: kemacetan, transportasi umum, GPS



Congestion is a problem in major cities. This is because the number of private vehicle purchases over the past 3 years continues to increase. Most people prefer a private vehicle in the hopes of getting comfort and can quickly get to the destination. But most are stuck in traffic and spend time on the road. Dissatisfaction with users of public transportation services causes queues at bus stations to be addressed immediately so as not to cause crowds to jostle and spend time. Therefore, there needs to be an increase in facilities on public transportation, especially buses. The goal of the study was to design an integrated system that could monitor city buses so as to ease service. With this system the public can find out the existence of city buses, making it easier for users to estimate the arrival of bus times and cut waiting times at stations. With this monitoring also the company (server) that houses the city bus can monitor the position of the bus. So that if there is danger or unwanted things can be known and acted upon faster. This system also carries digital payments based on mileage so that there can be transparency of price rates to be paid for both passengers and drivers. The proposed system consists of a GPS module to determine the presence of buses and RFID cards performed for initial final coordinate readings, as well as e-money payments.

Keywords: congestion, public transport, GPS



