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Arsitektur Skara Brae, Material, Museum, Perancangan


Kurangnya pelestarian dan pemeliharaan sumber peninggalan atau artefak masa purbakala zaman manusia belum mengenal tulisan yang terdapat di Gua Pawon Bandung Barat, masyarakat setempat mengajukan kebutuhan berupa museum sebagai sarana konvensional. Sistem perancangan yang dilakukan yaitu menyediakan media atau sarana konvensional berupa museum sebagai pusat konservasi sekaligus informasi mengenai peninggalan masa purbakala yang ditemukan di Gua Pawon. Ada beberapa fasilitas lain yang disediakan sebagai bangunan penunjang. Diantaranya; perpustakaan museum, restoran, bangunan penerima, amphitheater dan padepokan seni, mushola umum, toilet umum, perkebunan disertai gudang, camping ground, dan villa. Perencanaan dilakukan berdasarkan fungsi, manfaat, dan pengolahan tapak sebagai area Eco Wisata dengan transformasi bentuk yang diharapkan fasad utama pada museum menjadi destinasi utama para wisatawan di Bandung Barat yang mengunjungi Gua Pawon. Tema yang diambil yaitu Integrasi Arsitektur Skara Brae dengan mengusung Konsep Tranquil Coexistence of Nature and Architecture Ancient yang memiliki makna keselarasan antara arsitektur Skara Brae dan lingkungannya dengan penggunaan material alam berupa bebatuan dan kayu yang diaplikasikan dengan material baja sebagai pendukung. Nirleka Museum ini akan menjadi sarana konvensional dengan rancangan museum yang memenuhi kebutuhan dan menjadi tujuan eco wisata baru di Bandung Barat melalui delegasinya sebagai sarana konvensional.
Kata kunci: Arsitektur Skara Brae, Material, Museum, Perancangan

Lack of preservation and maintenance of sources of relics or artifacts from ancient times when humans were not familiar with the writings contained in the Pawon Caves, West Bandung, the local community proposed the need for a museum as a conventional means. The design system carried out is to provide conventional media or facilities in the form of a museum as a conservation center as well as information about ancient relics found in Pawon Cave. There are several other facilities provided as supporting buildings. Among them: museum library, restaurant, reception building, art amphitheater and hermitage, public prayer room, public washrooms, plantation with warehouse, campground and villa. Planning is carried out based on the functions, benefits, and the processing of the site as an Eco Tourism area with the expected transformation of the shape of the main facade of the museum into the main destination for tourists in West Bandung who visit Pawon Cave. The theme taken is the Integration of Skara Brae Architecture by carrying the Tranquil Coexistence of Nature and Architecture Ancient Concept which has the meaning of harmony between Skara Brae architecture and its environment with the use of natural materials in the form of stones and wood which are applied with steel as a support. The Nirleka Museum will become a conventional facility with a museum design that meets the needs and becomes a new eco-tourism destination in West Bandung through its delegation as a conventional means.
Keywords: Architecture Skara Brae, Material, Museum, Design


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