Penerapan Low Embodied Energy Material Pada Bangunan RE Mall Parahyangan


  • Egalita Nur Al-Fitriani Darojat
  • Eggi Septianto


low embodied energy material, pusat perbelanjaan, sustainable construction


Perubahan iklim telah memasuki publik dunia sejak lama, diperlukan suatu cara untuk mencegah kenaikan dan juga dampak perubahan iklim salah satunya dalam bidang arsitektur yaitu dengan menggunakan prinsip sustainable construction yang merupakan cara berfikir perancang dalam mendesain bangunan dengan menggunakan material renewable/recyclable juga menggunakan teknik pengolahan sisa konstruksi. Penggunaan material dengan bijak seperti memperhatikan kesesuaian dimensi ruang terhadap dimensi material dapat meminimalisir pembuangan material sisa, jika pun terdapat sisa dapat dimanfaatkan kembali atau diolah tanpa membahayakan lingkungannya. Low embodied energy material dapat menjadi pilihan dalam prinsip desain sustainable construction, pertimbangan pemilihan dilakukan berdasarkan bahan baku material, jarak pabrik ke lahan proyek, tingkat kebutuhan energi primer, serta pertimbangan atas potensi yang dimiliki setiap material. Pusat perbelanjaan merupakan tempat komersial yang menghasilkan keuntungan dengan minimum pengeluaran biaya, sehingga penggunaan low energy material dapat meminimalisir pengeluaran biaya seperti untuk pendingin ruangan, pencahayaan buatan, dan pemeliharaan. Maka, Penggunaan low embodied energy material pada bangunan pusat perbelanjaan akan bermanfaat untuk mengurangi pengeluaran biaya dan sumbangan energi terhadap lingkungan.
Kata kunci: low embodied energy material, pusat perbelanjaan, sustainable construction.

Climate change has entered the world public for a long time, we need a way to prevent the increase and also the impact of climate change, one of which is in the field of architecture, namely by using the principle of sustainable construction which is the designer's way of thinking in designing buildings using renewable/recyclable materials as well as using residual processing techniques construction. The use of materials wisely, such as paying attention to the suitability of the dimensions of space to the dimensions of the material, can minimize the disposal of waste material, even if there is residue it can be reused or processed without endangering the environment. Low embodied energy material can be an option in the design principle of sustainable construction, the considerations of the selection are made based on the raw material, the distance from the factory to the project area, the level of primary energy demand, as well as consideration of the potential of each material. A shopping center is a commercial place that generates profits with minimum expenses, so the use of low energy materials can minimize expenses such as for air conditioning, artificial lighting, and maintenance. So, the use of low embodied energy materials in shopping central buildings will be useful for reducing costs and energy contributions to the environment.
Keywords: low embodied energy material, shopping center, sustainable construction.


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