Usulan Peningkatan Efektivitas Mesin Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Di Cv XYZ


  • MUHAMMAD FAUZAN YULIANA Fakultasi Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional
  • YANTI HELIANTY Fakultasi Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional
  • ALIF ULFA AFIFAH Fakultasi Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional

Kata Kunci:

Overall Equpment Effectiveness, Availability, Performance, Rate of Quality, Six Big Losses, Tree Diagram


CV XYZ is a company engaged in convection. CV XYZ currently has a problem related to the production department, namely product delays received by customers. The delay is caused by many factors, one of which is the effectiveness of machines and equipment. Based on these problems can be solved by analyzing the value of the machine and its equipment using the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) method. The OEE value is obtained based on 3 factors, namely availability, performance, and rate of quality. Based on the research results, the availability value is 98.83%, performance is 77.26%, and rate of quality is 93.06% so that the OEE value is 80.21%, this value is still below the world class standard of 85%. To increase the OEE value, it is necessary to identify the losses that occur due to this decrease in value by using six big losses. The results of the calculation of six big losses obtained are downtime losses, speed losses, and quality losses. After knowing the largest value, an analysis is carried out to find the root of the problem using a tree diagram, then a proposed improvement is given to the company. The proposed improvements are making work instruction, additional work tools, and checking raw materials.


CV XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang konveksi. CV XYZ saat ini memiliki masalah terkait dengan bagian produksi yaitu keterlambatan produk yang diterima oleh pelanggan. Keterlambatan tersebut disebabkan oleh banyak faktor salah satunya yaitu faktor efektivitas mesin dan peralatan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan cara menganalisis nilai mesin dan peralatannya menggunakan metode overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Nilai OEE didapatkan berdasarkan dari 3 faktor yaitu availability, performance, dan rate of quality. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai availability 98,83%, performance 77,26%, dan rate of quality 93,06% sehingga nilai OEE adalah 71,08%, nilai ini masih dibawah standar world class yaitu 85%. Untuk meningkatkan nilai OEE tersebut perlu dilakukan identifikasi untuk mengetahui kerugian yang terjadi akibat penurunan nilai tersebut dengan menggunakan six big losses. Hasil perhitungan six big losses yang didapat yaitu kerugian downtime losses, speed losses, dan quality losses. Setelah mengetahui nilai yang terbesar maka dilakukan analisis untuk mencari akar permasalahan menggunakan tree diagram, selanjutnya diberikan usulan perbaikan pada perusahaan. Usulan perbaikan tersebut yaitu membuat instruksi kerja, penambahan alat bantu kerja, dan pengecekan bahan baku.

