Pengaruh Brand Awareness, Trust, dan Customer Satisfaction Generasi Z terhadap Repurchase Intention ShopeeFood


  • NISRINA GHINA FAKHIRA Program Studi Teknik industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional
  • YANTI HELIANTY Program Studi Teknik industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional
  • RATNA PUSPITANINGSIH Program Studi Teknik industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional

Kata Kunci:

Online Food Delivery Services, Brand Awareness, Trust, Customer Satisfaction, Repurchas Intention, PLS-SEM


Brand awareness is an aspect to consider when building a brand. And to build long-term relationships backed by high customer satisfaction, you need to build consumer trust. The study measured brand awareness, trust, customer satisfaction by repurchase intention. This study uses the PLS-SEM method on the condition that the respondents are shoppers in Bandung city and surrounding areas.Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire and data were obtained from 62 respondents. The results show that brand awareness has a significant impact on repurchase intention. Brand awareness has a big impact on customer satisfaction, and trust has a big impact on customer satisfaction. Trust doesn't have a big impact on repeat purchase intention, but customer satisfaction has a big impact on repurchase intention.


Tingkat kesadaran merek merupakan salah satu aspek pertimbanagn dalam membangun merek. Selain itu disaat yang bersamaan diperlukan juga membangun kepercayaan konsumen agar dapat menjalin relasi jangka panjang yang didukung oleh tingkat kepuasan konsumen. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan identifikasi pengaruh brand awareness, trust, customer satisfaction terhadap repurchase intention. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode PLS-SEM dengan syarat responden adalah pengguna shopeefood di wilayah kota bandung dan sekitarnya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner dan diperoleh data terdapat
62 responden yang hasilnya menunjukan bahwa brand awareness berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap repurchase intention, brand awareness berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction, trust berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction, trust tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap repurchase intention, dan customer satisfaction berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap repurchase intention.

