Kata Kunci:
Importance Performance Analysis, Potential Gain in Customer Value, Kualitas Pelayanan, Service QualityAbstrak
Sakura Derma Clinic is a service company in the field of health services for skin & genital specialists which has been established since 2010. The clinic has received complaints from several customers about the services provided, therefore it is necessary to evaluate the level of services currently being provided. MethodImportance Performance Analysis (IPA) to determine the attributes of improvement, andPotential Gain In Customer Value (PGCV) to find out which priorities need to be repaired first and a Tree Diagram to find out the corrective actions that need to be taken. The research data was carried out by distributing interest and performance level questionnaires, based on the results of data processingImportance Performance Analysis 2 attributes were obtained in quadrant I, including waiting time for taking medicine and the therapist's skills at work, which means that these attributes must be improved. Proposed improvements to the waiting time attribute for drug collection, namely adding a special admin workforce, the next suggestion is to make an agreement between the patient and the clinic when taking a copy of the drug prescription. Proposed improvements to the attributes of the therapist's skills, namely evaluation of SOPs for handling patients and evaluation of the recruitment process.
Klinik Y adalah salah satu perusahaan pelayanan jasa di bidang pelayanan kesehatan pada spesialis kulit & kelamin yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 2010. Klinik mendapatkan keluhan dari beberapa pelanggan terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan, oleh karena itu diperlukan evaluasi tingkat pelayanan yang diberikan saat ini. Metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mengetahui atribut perbaikan, dan Potential Gain In Customer Value (PGCV) untuk mengetahui prioritas mana yang harus diperbaiki terlebih dahulu dan Tree Diagram untuk mengetahui tindakan perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan. Data penelitian dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja, berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data Importance Performance Analysis diperoleh 2 atribut pada kuadran I, diantaranya waktu tunggu pengambilan obat dan keterampilan therapist dalam bekerja, yang artinya atribut tersebut harus diperbaki. Usulan perbaikan terhadap atribut waktu tunggu pengambilan obat yaitu menambah tenaga kerja khusus admin, usulan berikutnya yaitu melakukan perjanjian antara pasien dan klinik saat pengambilan copy resep obat. Usulan perbaikan terhadap atribut keterampilan therapist yaitu evaluasi SOP pengangan pasien dan evaluasi pada proses rekrutment.