Kata Kunci:
Safety Culture, Unsafe action, Unsafe condition, Near Miss, Behavior Based SafetyAbstrak
Safety culture is an important part of creating a safe and comfortable work environment. PT XYZ is PT XYZ's main electricity producer. The company's work area has a high hazard potential, and the company has an occupational health and safety management system. However, there are still many reports regarding unsafe actions, unsafe conditions, near misses, and even work accidents. The results of the report make the implementation of a safety culture in the work area a problem. Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) is a process that is interrelated with safety between management and the workforce on an ongoing basis to reduce the number of potential hazards due to unsafe actions. Observations showed that the dangerous behaviors that occurred were failing to secure, not using PPE properly, failing to warn about heavy equipment that was not being used, not having safety barricades, and failing to carry out procedures for using heavy equipment. The driving factors (activators) for unsafe actions identified were that each respondent did not have knowledge of the potential hazards in the work area, then the factors of awareness, perception, motivation, and safety needs of workers. The factors that act as consequences are positive reinforcement and punishment. Where the results of the respondents' answers have received positive reinforcement (100%), Workers who stated that they had received company punishment (64%) had acted unsafely at work, with varying levels of punishment ranging from not receiving a safe behavior bonus to receiving a warning 1. Providing understanding in the form of training or safety meetings specifically related to unsafe actions and unsafe conditions for all employees, including top management, is the advice given to the company.
Budaya Keselamatan Kerja (Safety culture) merupakan bagian penting untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman dan nyaman saat bekerja. PT Puncak Jaya Power merupakan produsen listrik utama PT XYZ. Area kerja perusahaan memiliki potensi bahaya tinggi dan perusahaan telah memiliki system manajemen keselamatan dan Kesehatan kerja. Akan tetapi masih banyak laporan mengenai tindakan tidak aman (Unsafe action), kondisi tidak aman (Unsafe condition), hampir terjadi kecelakaan kerja (Near Miss), bahkan terjadi kecelakaan kerja. Hasil laporan tersebut menjadikan pelaksanaan Safety culture di area kerja sebagai permasalahan. Behavior Based Safety (BBS) yaitu proses yang saling berkaitan dengan keselamatan antara manajemen dan tenaga kerja secara berkelanjutan untuk munurunkan angka potensi bahaya akibat tindakan tidak aman (unsafe action). Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa perilaku berbahaya yang terjadi adalah gagal mengamankan, tidak menggunakan APD dengan tepat, gagal memperingatkan alat berat yang sedang tidak digunakan, tidak terdapat safety barricade, dan gagal melakukan prosedur penggunaan alat berat. Faktor faktor penggerak (Activator) tindakan tidak aman (Unsafe action) yang teridentifikasi
adalah setiap responden belum memiliki pengetahuan potensi bahaya di area kerja, selanjutnya faktor kesadaran, presepsi, motivasi, dan kebutuhan selamat yang dimiliki para pekerja. Faktor-faktor yang berperan sebagai consequence adalah positive reinforcement dan punishment. Dimana hasil jawaban responden pernah mendapatkan positive reinforcement (100%). Pekerja yang menyatakan pernah mendapatkan hukuman (Punishment) di perusahaan (64%) telah berperilaku tidak aman dalam bekerja tingkat hukuman yang berbeda-beda mulai dari tidak diberikan bonus perilaku aman hingga adanya warning 1. Memberikan pemahaman berupa pelatihan ataupun safety meeting yang khusus terkait mengenai tindakan tidak aman (Unsafe action) dan kondisi tidak aman (Unsafe condition) bagi seluruh pekerja termasuk pihak Top Management menjadi saran yang diberikan kepada perusahaan.