Kata Kunci:
Service Performance, Customer Satisfaction Index, Student Satisfaction Inventory, Importance Performance AnalysisAbstrak
Sekolah XYZ is one of the schools in the field of technology engineering and management located in Bandung. Sekolah XYZ has nine majors, namely electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, motorcycle engineering and business, light vehicle engineering, computer network engineering, software engineering, office automation and management, visual communication design, and finally tourism. Sekolah XYZ is carrying out a learning re-adaptation program for students, where the re-adaptation here is due to a transition period from online learning caused by the covid-19 virus which requires all learning activities to be carried out remotely so that they can minimize the spread of covid-19 but with improved conditions all learning activities can be carried out again offline. The services provided by the school will greatly influence student satisfaction, so this study aims to produce suggestions for improving the quality of school services and student satisfaction at Sekolah XYZ . This data processing is based on the Service Performance method which is used to measure the quality of services by not using a comparison of perceptions and expectations but instead using a quality measurement based on performance and the Customer Satisfaction Index method which is used to measure the overall level of student satisfaction by considering the level of importance. This data processing analysis is based on the dimensions of the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) which are used to assess the level of service quality provided based on the level of satisfaction felt by students. There are 12 dimensions namely Academic Advising Effectiveness, Campus Climate, Campus Life, Campus Support Services, Concern for the Individual, Instructional Effectiveness, Recruitment and Financial Aid, Registration Effectiveness, Campus Safety and Security, Service Excellent, Student Centeredness, and Responsiveness to Diverse Population. To find out the attributes that are priority improvements from the dimensions used is to use the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) diagram, the priority improvements in the diagram are those in quadrant I.
Sekolah XYZ merupakan salah satu sekolah di bidang rekayasa teknologi dan manajemen yang berada di Bandung. Sekolah XYZ ini memiliki sembilan jurusan yaitu diantaranya teknik listrik, teknik mesin, teknik dan bisnis sepeda motor, teknik kendaraan ringan, teknik komputer jaringan, rekayasa perangkat lunak, otomatisasi dan tata kelola perkantoran, desain komunikasi visual, dan yang terakhir pariwisata. Saat ini Sekolah XYZ sedang melakukan program re-adaptasi pembelajaran untuk para siswa, dimana re-adaptasi disini dikarenakan adanya masa transisi dari pembelajaran secara daring (online) yang diakibatkan karena adanya virus covid-19 yang mengharuskan seluruh aktivitas pembelajaran dilakukan secara jarak jauh agar dapat meminimalisir penyebaran covid-19 namun dengan kondisi yang telah membaik maka seluruh aktivitas pembelajaran dapat dilakukan kembali secara luring (offline). Pelayanan yang diberikan oleh sekolah akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan siswa, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan usulan peningkatan kualitas layanan sekolah dan kepuasan siswa di sekolah SMK Prakarya Internasional (PI). Pengolahan data ini berdasarkan metode Service Performance yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas jasa dengan tidak menggunakan perbandingan persepsi dan harapan melainkan menggunakan pengukuran kualitas berdasarkan performance dan metode Customer Satisfaction Index yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan siswa secara menyeluruh dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat kepentingan. Analisis pengolahan data ini berdasarkan dimensi Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) yang digunakan untuk menilai tingkat mutu layanan yang diberikan berdasarkan tingkat kepuasan yang dirasakan siswa. Terdapat 12 dimensi yaitu Academic Advising Effectiveness, Campus Climate, Campus Life, Campus Support Services, Concern for the Individual, Instructional Effectiveness, Recruitment and Financial Aid, Registration Effectiveness, Campus Safety and Security, Service Excellent, Student Centeredness, dan Responsiveness to Diverse Population. Untuk mengetahui atribut yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan dari dimensi yang diguanakan adalah dengan menggunakan diagram Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), prioritas perbaikan dalam diagram tersebut adalah yang berada pada kuadran I.