Analisis Pengaruh Brand Equity Terhadap Loyalitas Pembelian Pada Nescafe Bagi Mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung


  • MIKHAEL WIJAYA Fakultasi Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional
  • SOFIA UMAROH Fakultasi Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional

Kata Kunci:

Brand Equity, Purchases Loyalty, Nescafe


This study aims to examine Brand Equity at Nescafe which consists of Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty and Brand Association towards purchase loyalty at Nescafe. The analytical method used is reliability test, validity test with significance test, R2 coefficient test, effect size F2 test and hypothesis testing. This study shows that Brand Awareness, Brand Association and Brand Loyalty have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty while Perceived Quality has a negative and insignificant effect on customer loyalty among Bandung National Institute of Technology students. Based on significant tests on four variables, it was found that the most dominant effect of purchase loyalty was the Brand Loyalty variable which had an F2 value of 47.5%. There is an R2 value in the coefficient of determination of 89.8% which states that purchase loyalty is the dependent variable which can be explained by the independent variables namely Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty and Brand Association and the remaining 11.2% is a variable which is not included in the study this.


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk meneliti Brand Equity pada Nescafe yang terdiri atas Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty dan Brand Association terhadap loyalitas pembelian pada Nescafe. Metode analisis yang dipakai adalah uji reliabilitas, uji validitas dengan uji signifikasi, uji koefisien R2, uji effect size F2 dan pengujian hipotesis. Penelitian ini menunjukan jika Brand Awareness, Brand Assocaition serta Brand Loyalty berpengaruh positif dan siginifikan pada loyalitas pelanggan sedangkan Perceived Quality memiliki pengaruh negatif serta tidak signifikan pada loyalitas pelanggan pada mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung. Berdasarkan uji signifikan pada empat variabel, didapatkan pengaruh loyalitas pembelian paling dominan adalah variabel Brand Loyalty yang memiliki nilai F2 sebesar 47,5%. Terdapat nilai R2 pada koefisien determinasi sebesar 89,8% yang menyatakan bahwa loyalitas pembelian merupakan variabel dependent yang mampu dijelaskan oleh variabel independent yakni Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty dan Brand Association dan sisanya 11,2% merupakan variabel yang tidak dimasukan pada penelitian ini.

