Penerapan Arsitektur Modern Kubisme Analitik Pada Perancangan Parahyangan Convention and Exhibition


  • Nurul Huda Zain
  • Dian Duhita Permata


Arsitektur Modern Kubisme, Convention and Exhibition, New Normal, Pandemi


Seiring berjalannya waktu , perkembangan jaman dan meningkatnya populasi manusia mengakibatkan bertambahnya fasilitas yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi berbagai macam kegiatan, salah satunya tempat pertemuan dan pameran. Kota Baru Parahyangan adalah sebuah kota yang masih berada dalam tahap pembangunan untuk menjadikan kota yang aman dan nyaman. Salah satu yang dibutuhkan adalah perencanaan bangunan Convention and Exibition, dengan konsep arsitektur modern kubisme analitik. Perencanaan arsitektur bangunan menggunakan kaidah bentuk mengikuti fungsi, dimana kesederhanaan bangunan menjadi indah tanpa hiasan. Convention hadir untuk memenuhi kegiatan pertemuan suatu golongan atau kegiatan tertentu. Sementara Exhibition hadir memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan terhadap produk yang dipamerkan. Peraturan-peraturan diperlukan pada pembangunan Convention and Exhibition saat kondisi pandemic covid-19 new normal diantaranya: mempertimbangakan pemanfaatan ruang, penghawaan dan pencahayaan bangunan, serta penerapan jaga jarak dan alat pendeteksi suhu hadir di sudut-sudut ruangan. Implementasi desain terhadap konsep arsitektur modern kubisme analitik pada era new normal adalah membagi jumlah pengunjung per sesi,terdapat empat pintu masuk agar sirkulasi berjalan baik dan mengurangi penumpukan pengunjung.
Kata Kunci :Arsitektur Modern Kubisme,Convention and Exhibition, New Normal, Pandemi.


Over time, the development of the era and the increasing human population resulted in increasing the facilities needed to fulfill various activities, one of which was a meeting place and exhibition. Kota Baru Parahyangan is a city that is still under construction to make it a safe and comfortable city. One of the things that is needed is the planning of the Convention and Exhibition building, with the modern architectural concept of analytic cubism. The architectural planning of the building uses the rules of form following function, where the simplicity of the building becomes beautiful without decoration. Convention exists to fulfill the meeting activities of a certain group or activity. While the Exhibition is here to meet the needs of the community to add insight and knowledge to the products on display. The regulations needed for the construction of the Convention and Exhibition during the new normal COVID-19 pandemic include: considering the use of space, building ventilation and lighting, as well as the application of social distancing and temperature detection devices present in the corners of the room. The design implementation of the modern architectural concept of analytic cubism in the new normal era is to divide the number of visitors per session, there are four entrances so that circulation runs well and reduces the accumulation of visitors.

Keywords: Modern Cubism Architecture, Convention, Exhibition, Pandemic, New Normal


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2021 Arsitektur