Penerapan Prinsip Desain Arsitektur Biofilik dalam Rancangan Gedung Eksibisi dan Konvensi “Bio Excon” Di Kota Baru Parahyangan


  • Robi Ramdani
  • Mamiek Nur Utami


gedung eksbisi & konvensi, biofilik, arsitektur hijau


Gedung eksibisi dan konvensi biasanya berada di sebuah kota, dengan menerapkan berbagai konsep dan tema.
Akan tetapi perkembangan zaman membuat bangunan baru lebih mementingkan efisiensi dan kemudahan
kontruksi dengan menggunakan material modern dan modular, sehingga bangunan kurang memperhatikan
keterkaitan dengan alam. Konsep bangunan hijau pun mucul menjadi solusi tersebut. Konsep bangunan
bangunan hijau yang dipilih untuk perancangan gedung eksbisi dan konvensi “Bio Excon” ialah biofilik.
Konsep aristektur biofilik yang diterapkan adalah penambahan elemen vegetasi pada bangunan, pemanfaatan
cahaya yang dinamis, penggunaan material alami, unsur air dan lain-lain. Dengan menerapkan konsep
biofilik, gedung eksibisi dan konvensi “Bio ExCon” bisa memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda bagi
Kata kunci: gedung eksbisi & konvensi, biofilik, arsitektur hijau

Exhibition and convention buildings are usually located in a city, applying various concepts and
themes. However, the times have made new buildings more concerned with efficiency and ease of
construction by using modern and modular materials, so that buildings pay less attention to the
relationship with nature. The concept of green buildings also emerged as the solution. The green
building concept chosen for the design of the “Bio Excon” exhibition and convention building is
biophilic. The concept of biophilic architecture applied is the addition of vegetation elements to
buildings, dynamic use of light, the use of natural materials, elements of water and others. By
applying the biophilic concept, the “Bio ExCon” exhibition and convention building can provide a
different experience for its visitors.
Keywords: exhibition & convention building, biophilic, green architecture


Kellert, Stephen R; 2018; Nature by Design: The Practice of Biophilic Design; London; Yale

University Press

Almusaed, A; 2011; Biophilic and Bioclimatice Architecture, Analytical Therapy for the Next

Generation of Passive Sustainable Architecture, London; Springer – Verlag London Limited

Kellert, Stephen R., Heerwagen, Judith, dan Mador, Martin; 2008; Biophilic Design: The Theory,

Science and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life; New Jersey; John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Browning, W.D., Ryan, C., Clancy, J. 2014. 14 “Patterns of Biophilic Design, Improving Health

& Well-Being in theBuilt Environment. New York: Terrapin Bright Green

Kellert, S. 2012. “Birthright: People and Nature in the Modern World. New Haven: Yale University







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